Name: Čokoládové děti, o.p.s.
Registered office: Prague 1, Staré Město, Masná 1051/3, Post Code 110 00
Identification number: 289 79 567
Legal form: public welfare society
Recorded in the register of public welfare societies administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section , File 693
Date of entry: 27 October 2009
Telephone: +420 602 180 980
Type of public welfare service:
- Short-term and long-term activities to support awareness among children and adolescents who differ in appearance from their peers from the majority society because of their origin or the origin of their ancestors (hereinafter “Supported Children”), and among the majority society about the Supported Children, their origin and cultural and similar background.
- Within the framework of providing this service, the Society can particularly create a virtual discussion forum for Supported Children, organise meetings, seminars, lectures, educational and cultural events, and provide financial support for such activities.
- Activities supporting the creation of links among Supported Children, particularly those that will never have a fully functional family background, and families or individuals who can replace or create such support over the short term or even long term. In providing this service, the Society can particularly mediate and support contacts between Supported Children and such families or individuals, promote spending time together (e.g. weekends or vacations), and provide financial support for such activities.
- Activities to support upbringing, education and professional preparation of the Supported Children. In providing this service, the Society can particularly organise educational and similar events and provide financial support for such activities.
Auxiliary activities:
- Activities related to raising funds for fulfilling the Society’s purpose (benefits, collections, etc.)
- Production, sale and services not listed in annexes 1 to 3 of the Trades Licensing Act
- Activities focussed on increasing awareness about the issue of Supported Children or other people of different skin colour, including their relationships with the majority society (promotional materials, medial campaigns, etc.)